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For Priests

Offer Masses to nullify abortions consecrated to Satan. Priests around the world are invited to sign up to be part of this invaluable ministry for our times.

Satanists are coordinating black masses, which are performed approximately on the hour, every day, in 24 times zones, with the express purpose of consecrating all the abortions performed in each zone to the devil. 

This terrible practice means that around the world, every abortion—though abortionists and pregnant woman normally do not intend this—is consecrated to Satan. These consecrations empower and increase every kind of evil by unleashing demons into the world, offering to Satan the blood sacrifices of innocent human beings made in the image of God. 

According to exorcists, the Holy Mass is what can effectively nullify the effect of these black masses. To do this, the priest he must say a prayer in his heart for that intention before saying Mass. 

Click here or on the picture to order/download prayer cards with this Mass intention. 

For Laity

Lay people are encouraged to request that Masses be said for the intention of nullifying the effects of black masses. Additionally, any assistance of one’s time, talent, or treasure, as well as prayer for our priests, is greatly valued

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Army combats the consecration of abortions to Satan through satanic black masses by inviting priests worldwide to dedicate one of their weekly Masses to nullifying these dark rituals.

Priests sign up to offer one weekly Mass  (or more) with the prayer intention of counteracting the black mass satanic consecrations performed on that day. They express this intention before the Mass by expressing this intention verbally or in their heart, or by using the prayer cards provided.

According to exorcists, the Holy Mass is necessary to nullify the effects of satanic black masses. The Holy Mass is, through the power and ultimate goodness of Christ’s innocent Sacrifice, breaks, counters, and negates any blood sacrifice consecrated to the evil one, when the Mass is said with that intention.

Priests can click on the button above titled “Sign up to Offer Masses, which directs them to a Google calendar where they can sign up to offer a Mass on a day of their choosing each week.

Lay people can request Masses to be said for the intention of nullifying black masses. Additionally, prayers for the success of the ministry and support for priests participating are highly valued. Contributions of time, talent, or treasure are also welcomed. If a lay person knows of a priest who might be interested in this ministry, please inform them of this website and give them the contact information below. 

For any questions, assistance with the website, or to connect with other priests in the ministry, contact [email protected], or Zachary King at (802) 578-6554 or [email protected].

Zachary King, a former satanic high wizard who converted to Catholicism through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, testifies to the existence of satanic black masses. He was privy to the fact that they are said every hour, every day, around the word, to consecration the world’s abortions to Satan for the purpose of giving the evil one and his minions increased power on earth. Mr. King’s personal experience and mission to end abortion have led to the establishment of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Army.

Additional information supporting the need for this ministry can be found in Zachary King’s book, Abortion Is a Satanic Sacrifice. King’s conversion testimony is also featured in the best-selling book, The Miraculous Medal: Pendant of Power. Further information can be found on Zachary King’s website: